
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Rebel sport maths

W.A.L.T ive been trying to get better at understanding persentages W.A.L.T i can easily master persentages such as 50% 25% and much more

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thursday, August 13, 2020


Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Today we did this abt maths

The amount of time I spent with my family   7x2 days 
The numbers of movies   I watched 10÷2
The number of shopping spree we went on
¼ of 8
The amount of days I stayed in auckland 
I slept for 20-10= 
How long I played fortnite 24/7
It took this long to get to auckland 10,000-9993=
I went skydiving 6x0

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

marinated mussels

Slurp!! Everytime i think of marinated mussels i think im gonna be sick try one said mum no im alright  are you said mum positive slurp i could hear my mum slurping them then dinner i look at the table see a  yum dinner i turn around for a second then see marinated garlic mussels and this time i actually tried it this time then “SPLAT”

Monday, June 22, 2020

DIAMANTE POEM about matariki


  •                                                                 matariki
  •                                                           memories    Fun
  •                                                   playing  collecting  sharing
  •                                                      stars   kites   family     kai
  •                                                       singing  honoring   dancing
  •                                                           fantastic celebration
  •                                                                 :\       :\          :\

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

water safety

im happy with all my writing and information

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Thursday, February 20, 2020

Swimming with Lee Ann

On Thursday we did swimming lessons with Lee Ann.  We did freestyle superman and superman freestyle and butterfly. Superman is just warming up for kicking like streamline. Superman freestyle is basically freestyle  but you gotta do it slower.
I think there is three things to learn how to do butterfly. Your entry bend, your palm and make sure your doing the same rhythm.